Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Frozen Birthday Cake

With some help from a sweet friend, and some inspiration from pinterest,
I tried my hand at making a cake and using fondant.  
It was like using play-doh though it smelled and tasted much better ;)

This is the cake before placing the small Elsa and Anna dolls.
Poor Olaf got a little squished and fell into some rock candy
dust, then poor guys feet sank into the cake :D
Fondant flowers and more rock candy.

Edible star sprinkles.

Elsa and Anna on top of the cake.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My "baby" is 8, today!

I'm not really sure how it happened, but my baby girl is 8 today!
I can't imagine our lives without her.  She's feisty, head strong, believes she can do anything,
is tender toward those that need it, always has a hug and kiss for her parents, and loves her siblings fiercely, and it's all rolled up into a cute little package.  

Happy 8th Birthday, Ava!  I love you oodles!

Ava helped bake the cake, make icing from scratch, and then she deorated the cake too.
It was a delicious work of art :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Laundry Room, more small updates.

Here's a small update to the laundry space.
After talking with my GENIUS friend I added some fun stuff to the tops
of the cabinets.
I've got a few more ideas, but need to complete a couple of steps
before placing them in there.

OH and I found yet ANOTHER hat laying around. 
I had no idea we were such hat collectors, lol.

Thanks to my GENIUS friend that suggested cowboy boots, I got to work.
I once again "shopped" my house and found an old, outgrown pair of
red cowgirl boots, stuffed them with grocery bags to keep their shape (wow, we have WAY
too many plastic grocery bags) and propped them onto an empty box.
The metal tub was a gift that I received over 6 years ago and rather
than keeping it sitting in my closet, I figured, hey why not.

I found a chalk pennant garland yesterday in the craft section of Target and 
knew I had to have it.  I bought a chalk marker while there and voila.  
The pack came with 12 pennant flags, some string to hang them on,
and 12 round chalk circles for another garland too.

I can't wait to get the rest of the laundry room done
and then I have to figure out how exactly I'm going to keep
it from being over taken by clutter and laundry.